CPA Australia’s 2024 Business Technology report states that about 94 94 % of businesses using digital payment systems report a increase in profitability, while small businesses are lagging behind in adopting modern tools such as AI and business intelligence. Fall, especially in emerging markets like India, especially in emerging markets like India, especially in emerging markets, especially in the emerging markets, especially India. This report is based on a survey of 1,229 professionals, which also identified the increasing importance of technology in achieving the goals of CyberScuse and the goals of environmental, social and governance (ESG).

The report highlights that businesses are more likely to report the increase in profits by actively using technologies such as digital payment systems, data analtics and automation. For example, 94 % of businesses using digital payment technologies look at the increase in profitability, while only 5 % of them did not give such tools. Similarly, 80 % of businesses using Business Intelligence Software have been reported to improve profit. Despite these benefits, many organizations regularly do not use modern technologies like AI and Business Intelligence Software, which indicate a significant room to increase their integration in daily operations.

CyberSocracy has become the top concern, of which 31 % of profitable businesses report losses due to cyber events last year. Emerging markets like India and Vietnam are particularly weak, 60 % of Indian businesses intend to increase cybercare investment in 2025. Small businesses face severe challenges in data privacy and protection, while major organizations capture the Legacy system and manage cyber security risks.

AI is gaining traction in adoption, in which 41 % of the business reports some level of AI integration. However, only 10 % have adopted the AI ​​significantly, in which India has taken 23 % on the path to adopting the important. AI is mainly used to improve performance, productivity and decision -making, but challenges such as high implementation costs, data privacy concerns and integration issues remain. Small businesses, in particular, struggle with resource barriers and limited data access, which hinder their ability to fully benefit AI.

The technology is also playing an important role in helping the business achieve its ESG goals. More than 70 % of respondents agreed that technology plays a positive role in their stability measures. Large businesses are more effective in using technology for ESG purposes, such as energy use monitoring and reporting carbon emissions, while small businesses face obstacles such as cost and access to appropriate technologies.

The report identifies financial barriers, which are the most important obstacles to adoption of technology, citing high costs and low costs on investment in 40 % of business. The lack of skilled technology professionals further complicates the situation, especially for small businesses. To address these challenges, the report recommends government policies that reduce financial barriers and provide concessions to adopt modern technologies. It is very important for employees to speed up and transfer more sophisticated systems for small businesses in search of expert advice.

In search of ahead, technologies such as AI, Data Analytics and CyberScureity Solutions are expected to demand, with big businesses on the path to their highest investment potential. The report emphasizes the importance of enhancing operational performance and ensuring evolutionary regulatory requirements, especially in ESG, the importance of integrating technology.

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