Quiz | Simple as Sunday morning: What has April 14 brought us?
A kinetoscope and other film equipment on display in Fort Myers, Florida
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1/10 | On April 14, 1611, the word was first used to describe an invention that revolutionized science. Prince Federico Sisi used it to introduce his inventor, Galileo Galilei, as a new member of the Accademia dei Linci. The word was coined by a Greek poet from two words meaning ‘to look away’. What was this invention that allowed us to gain a better understanding of the universe?
2/10 | On this day in 1841, the first detective story was published. Titled ‘Murder in the Rue Morgue’, it follows a fictional detective who solves the mystery of the murders of two women. It was the first to feature a friend as narrator, and use logic to establish the final revelation. Who was the author, best known for his obnoxious poems about crows?
3/10 | On this day in 1883, Léo Délibés premiered his opera in Paris. Set in British India, it follows the beautiful daughter of a Brahmin priest who is named after the Hindu goddess of wealth. The French version of his name became the inspiration for India’s Unilever to name its cosmetic brand. What was the name of the opera?
4 / 10 | Born today in 1891, this gentleman was the first Indian to receive a doctorate in economics from abroad. A polyglot who knew nine languages, he amassed a huge library and read widely. His book The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution, was instrumental in the formation of the Reserve Bank of India. Who was this icon, bestowed with the highest title of ‘Bodhisattva’, Buddhism?
5/10 | On this day in 1894, the public gathered to see a ‘Kinetoscope’ demonstration. It was a device in which a viewer could see moving images through a peephole. One of the earliest motion picture techniques, it eventually led to the development of the movie projector. Which inventor patented this idea?
6/10 | On this day in 1927, the first car was produced by this Swedish automobile company. The name means ‘I roll’ in Latin, a fitting reference to the company’s first product, ball bearings. Which company is the second largest truck manufacturer in the world?
7/10 | Born today in 1933, Yuri Ogneshian is an Armenian nuclear physicist specializing in ultra-heavy chemical elements. His invention of two methods (‘hot’ and ‘cold’ fusion) led directly to the discovery of 13 new elements. In 2002, element 118 was synthesized and named ‘Ogneisin’. To date, what is the special position of this element?
Answer: The last element in the periodic table
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8/10 | On this day in 1940, the Radio Corporation of America demonstrated its new microscope in Philadelphia. It had the ability to show detailed images of cells and could also be used to count particles. The reason for this high resolution was that it did not use light like a conventional microscope, but another subatomic particle with a wavelength 100,000 times shorter. Which microscope was this?
9/10 | On this day in 1981, STS-1 (Space Transportation System-1) was launched, the first success of a historic NASA spaceflight program. It was designed for routine transport of crew and cargo from Earth to orbit and back. By what name is this program known, which refers to its frequent use?
Answer: Space Shuttle Program
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10/10 | On this day in 2003, a major international scientific research project was completed. The result was the mapping of 99% of all data carried in the cells of the human body. Going through more than three billion data points, it’s now a huge resource for understanding how our bodies work. What was the main ‘map’ that was decoded?
Answer: Human genome (all the DNA in the body)
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