During a Labor Day picnic at California’s Malibu Creek State Park, an American family faced a terrifying ordeal when a mountain lion attacked their 5-year-old son. The father’s courageous actions brought the situation under control, preventing a potentially fatal disaster. She bravely fought off the evil hunter while saving her young child.
According to a report of KTLA5, The heartbreaking encounter happened shortly before 4:30 p.m. Sunday while the boy’s family was relaxing at the Tapia Day Use Area of Malibu State Creek Park in Calabasas, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said. At least six adults and several children were on a picnic when a mountain lion grabbed a 5-year-old boy by the head and started running away.
The victim’s aunt, who did not want to be identified, spoke to a KTLA reporter about the incident by phone.
“Someone called the kid’s name, and his dad started running,” she explained. “The father caught the mountain lion in his hands, and he just kept fighting, then the mountain lion let go.”
About 40 people in the nearby area witnessed the terrifying incident, with some telling KTLA that the giant mountain lion appeared brazen and fearless during the attack.
According to US Department of AgricultureThe mountain lion is also known as the cougar, panther or puma. Can be over 8 feet long (from tip of nose to tip of tail) and weigh between 130 and 150 pounds. Mountain lions are found in deserts as well as coastal forests and up to 10,000 feet above sea level. An adult male’s home range is usually more than 100 square miles, and females usually use smaller territories, about 20 to 60 square miles.