The bodies came from different periods.

An ancient salt mine in Iran preserved naturally dead miners in a gruesome state for thousands of years – some of them frozen with their arms raised before being buried alive. According to the New York Post, the bodies – known as “Salt Men” – were naturally mummified and preserved in the Cheherabad salt mine near the village of Manzlo in northwestern Iran. The bodies come from different periods, with the oldest dating back to 9550 BC – 10,000 years ago.

The first Saltman – with a long white beard and a gold earring, as well as a set of iron knives – was accidentally discovered by miners in 1993. The mummy was still wearing one of her leather boots and some traces of woolen trousers. on his leg. According to PostThe man is believed to have died in Cannes around 300 AD. His remains were buried in the middle of a 148-foot tunnel.

A second body was discovered in 2004, just 50 feet away from where the remains of Saltman 1 were found. In 2005, two more mummies were found in another tunnel – including the remains of a 16-year-old boy. As of 2010, a total of six bodies had been recovered from the salt mine.

All the bodies were well preserved by the salt surrounding them. The lack of oxygen also meant that the bodies could not decompose.

Earlier studies of Saltman’s head revealed that the corpse had fractures around the eye and damage to the head – leading scientists to conclude that they had all likely died in a mining collapse. The 16-year-old mummy was even found with her hands raised above her face as if startled by a sudden fall or some other danger.

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The fifth Saltman was more preserved than the others, allowing scientists to examine his organs up close. They discovered that it contained tapeworm eggs, indicating that the men had eaten raw or undercooked meat before their untimely deaths in the salt caves.

According to a 2012 research paper published in the Journal of Parasitology, the discovery marks the first evidence of ancient intestinal parasites in Iran.

While six whole bodies have been accounted for, separate body parts have also been found, the Post reported. The number of possible “Saltman” bodies is now estimated at eight or more. It is highly likely that these were all miners who died in falls or accidents. The official cause of death, as well as how many more of them may have been inside the mine, remains a mystery.

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