Hotspot, the famous Greek tourist island, has seen a sudden increase in the earthquake activity, which has called for authorities to demand an immediate meeting. According to the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, monitoring sensors chose “light-earthquake-vulcanic activity” in Caldira, Santorani, causing speculation and concerns, especially the island’s tourism. Given the prospects of the economy and geological misery.
The flooded volcano is located around the Coldera in the Mediterranean Pacific, which detects at least 39 earthquakes in a single day with surveillance stations, mostly of 3.5 or less. There is Direct science.
This island is known for its historical volcanic activity, especially around 1600 BC, the largest manner in the history, which is considered the largest in human history. Between 2011 and 2012, Santorani tested a similar earthquake crowd that was associated with the Magma Movement below the surface, but no breakdown.
The most recent outbreak in the history of Santorani was recorded in 1950, which was reported that the island’s volcano remains active but it is not necessary to be on the verge of collapse.
Also read | A massive volcanic eruption in this century. Will it mobilize the climate chaos?
‘No reason for concern’
Reflecting recent developments, the head of the Earthsees, an earthquake expert and the Scientific Monitoring Committee for Helican Volcancing Arc, stated on Greece’s Erdo ۔t television that there was no immediate example where the volcano could explode.
Mr Likas said, “What we need to realize is that the Centurian volcanoes have a huge explosion every 20,000 years. The last explosion has been 3,000 years since, so by facing our major explosion. First we spend a long time. “
“The volcano is a living organism,” said Mr Likas. “
Despite no immediate threat, scientists continue to monitor the situation to understand whether the Magma movement is a signal or if it is just a part of the usual tectonic activity in the region.
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