NASA scientists have found a 2024 YR4, which can hit the ground in 2032, which produces 1-in-83 possibility of the effect. Kishodarra, which measures 130 to 300 feet around, is little to risk humanity, but experts have warned that if it collides with a large city, it is widespread destruction Can cause. With its effects, the power of the atom bomb eliminating Japan’s Hiroshima will remove more than 500 times the energy of TNT-MORE.
According to NASA, The scientific analysis of Kishodarrara near the designated land of 2024 YR4 indicates that it is more likely to be more than 1 % of the land being influenced on December 22, 2032, which means 99 % It is unlikely that this temptation will not affect. Such preliminary analysis will change over time as more observations accumulate. Currently, any other known major temptation has no chance of an effect.
Through the last alert system station for NASA -based raisins -based raisins in Chile, for the International Clearing House for Small Body Positionial Measurement on December 27, 2024, Kishorgara 2024 YR4 Was reported. Kishodargara, which is estimated at about 130 to 300 feet wide, when the NASA stood on the NASA on December 31, 2024, the astronomers’ attention was caught. The sanitary list includes any well -known nearest adolescent, which is likely to affect the land in a non -future.
There are many things in the past that are on the risk list and eventually ended with more data. As a result of the new observations, the Texture can be re -assigned to 0 again as more data arrives.