According to research published in the European Heart Journal, new research has shown that people who have more invisible fat in their muscles and around are at risk of dying from heart disease or being hospitalized. This association is significant regardless of the Body Mass Index (BMI). Studies highlight the weaknesses of BMI as a marker for heart health, and it is suggested that muscle fat can play a significant role in the risk of cardiovascular diseases. As researchers have been pointed out, further studies must be followed, as they open doors for deep investigations about factors affecting risk from heart diseases, so effective strategies of prevention Find out.

A according to A Issued by the European Society of Cardiology, This ‘intercontinental’ fat is very valuable in beef stacks for cooking. However, humans are rarely known about its effects on physical fat and health in humans. This is the first study to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the effects of fatty muscles on heart disease.

New search Evidence includes that current steps, such as body mass index or waist tawaaf, are not enough to accurately evaluate the risk of heart disease for all people.

The new research was led by Professor Viveni Taqti, director of the Cardiac Stress Laboratory at the Women’s Hospital and Faculty at Harvard Medical School in the United States and the Harvard Medical School in the United States. He said, “Obesity is now the biggest global threat to cardiovascular health, yet the physical mass index-our central matriculation is a controversial and faulty marker of cardiac vascular diagnosis to explain obesity and threshold for interference names. This is especially true in women, this is especially true, where the high physical mass index can reflect more ‘benign’ fat.

“Intercomisclar fat can be found mostly in the body’s muscles, but the amount of fat may vary widely among different people. In our research, we analyze the muscles and different types of fat to understand that the body of the body. How can the structure affect small blood vessels’ heart failure as well as heart attack, heart attack and the future of death.

The new study consisted of 669 people who were being diagnosed at Berghyam and Women’s Hospital for chest pain and/or shortness of breath and they found no evidence of obstructive coronary artery disease (where heartbreaking arteries The dangerous limits are being filled). The average age of these patients was 63 years. The majority (70 %) were women, and about half (46 %) were non -white.

(Tagstotranslate) Muscle Fat (T) Heart Disease (T) Cardiovascular Risk (T) BMI (T) Body Mass Index (T) Cardiovascular Disease (T) Health

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