Netflix began airing its new documentary series “Our Oceans” on Thursday. Narrated by former US President Barack Obama, the five-episode documentary series is dedicated to the world’s five oceans – Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern.

In a video shared on Instagram, Netflix showed Mr. Obama doing a voiceover inside a recording booth.

“We go… our oceans are vast realms of wonder, danger and mystery. Discover new worlds just below the surface,” he can be heard saying.

“This is it. It’s a wrap,” Mr. Obama says, ending his recording.

“Our Oceans” is directed by Emmy-winning wildlife filmmaker James Honeybourne and produced by Higher Ground Productions, founded by Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama.

Launched in 2018, Higher Ground has already released about 18 projects, including the animated show “Waffles + Mochi” and the documentary “Working: What We Do All Day,” after which Mr. Obama Learn More For visiting people at their homes and their places of work. About their lives

In 2022, Higher Ground produced a natural history documentary called “Our Great National Parks,” which Mr. Obama also described. The 63-year-old leader also won the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Award for Outstanding Narrator.

(tags to translate)Barack Obama

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