Education Desk. Government Jobs for 12th Pass 2023: Bumper Recruitment for Aspirant Candidates for Government Jobs in Central Departments and Ministries. Notification has been issued for the recruitment of about 4,500 Level-2, Level-4 and Level-5 posts in various Ministries, Attached Departments and Offices of the Central Government. 4,500 government jobs for candidates who have passed 12th from a recognized board include Lower Division Clerk (LDC) / Junior Secretarial Assistant (JSA), Data Entry Operator (DEO) and Data Entry Operator (Grade A) are included. Candidates for these posts will be selected through Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination 2022 conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC). The notification of this exam has been released by the commission on 6th December 2022 and the application process has started.

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Government Jobs: Apply by 4th January

In such a situation, candidates with 12th pass and maximum age up to 27 years who want to apply for these 4.5 thousand vacancies advertised by SSC can apply at the official website of the commission are After visiting the website for application, candidates have to first register in the login section given on the home page and then login with the registered details. Candidates will then be able to submit their applications for the respective examination. The application fee is Rs.100, which is not payable by all female candidates, SC, ST, disabled and ex-employee categories.

Check SSC CHSL Exam 2022 Notification for 4,500 Posts from this link Apply from this link.

Government Jobs: Selection will be done as follows.

SSC will conduct the CHSL Exam 2022 in two phases – Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode and the duration will be 60 minutes. It will ask 25 questions each from English Language, General Intelligence, Numerical Aptitude and General Awareness subjects. Each answer will carry 2 marks and 0.5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. Candidates securing minimum marks as per various sections in Tier 1 will be invited for next stage Tier 2, see recruitment notification for more details.

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