Chandigarh, January 25, 2025 (Yes Punjab News)

Under the leadership of Chief Minister S Bhagwant Singh Mann, the Punjab government is making a permanent effort to provide employment opportunities to the youth of the state.

According to this effort, Minister for Land and Water Protection, Barindra Kumar Goyal today handed over 21 newly appointed candidates to the appointment. Among these candidates, 19 were appointed as agricultural sub -inspectors, as 1 junior draftsman, and 1 pione.

Referring to the appointment of newly appointed candidates in Punjab Bhavan today, Barindra Kumar Goyal congratulated him and encouraged him to work with full dedication and sincerity. He also said that the appointments made by the state government were made with full transparency, ensuring that all the jobs were given to the deserving candidates on the basis of merit.

The Cabinet Minister further said that the vision of the government is to provide employment opportunities to the youth in Punjab so that their skills can help the development of the state.

The cabinet minister emphasized that the government has changed the mindset of the people. He said that the previous governments have eliminated people’s confidence, as government jobs were available only through recommendations.

However, under the leadership of S Bhagwant Singh Mann, the present government has changed this story. People now know that only qualified and deserving candidates have been appointed on merit basis, which has helped the youth of ordinary families in the state get employment.

He further pointed out that earlier, due to lack of employment opportunities in Punjab, the youth had to go abroad, but now, with the jobs provided by the Punjab government, they are returning to the state.

He also said that among the newly appointed candidates, two men worked in Canada and returned to Punjab to receive their appointment letters for the post of Agricultural Sub -Inspector.

Cabinet Minister Barandra Kumar Goyal added that the present government is the first in the country, which has provided jobs to more than 50,000 youths from ordinary families in Punjab during its tenure.

He called on the newly appointed candidates to understand that positions like the agricultural sub -inspector and draftsmen are the backbone of the department.

He encouraged them to work diligently to enforce government schemes related to land and water protection and raise awareness among the farmers about these schemes. He also directed the officials to organize awareness camps across the state to inform the farmers about these schemes.

Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture), Shri Anurag Verma also congratulated the newly appointed employees and emphasized the importance of management of water resources. He called on the newly recruited employees to contribute to their full potential in the water conservation mission across the state.

Chief Land Officer, Mahendra Pal Seni, welcomed the new recruits in the department and urged them to perform their duties with full responsibility and dedication.

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