Crypto hackers want to promote their pump and dump scheme recently managed to hack Donald Trump’s old tweets and enter the link from his memory website, journalist Matt Binder Reports.
According to Binder, hackers managed to meet it through a bug in URL shortener. By exploiting the problem, hackers can change the link themselves in the tweet. Many of Trump’s old tweets were hijacked in this manner. Most memorable, one of them, mentioned in the Shan Hunty Show on Fox, was hacked to redirect the audience to the hackers’ lamb site. The new link includes the image that looks like nude Donald Trump is being crowded with the spray tan gun: “Yoj,” is written in the new photo. “Yage Asif.”
When Gizmudo checked the links, the picture was still left. You can see the original tweet Here. What is noteworthy is that it is still ready at this time.

The picture is not clearly a real picture of Trump. Instead, this is a model of the art project and Were taken years ago.
Other tweets were also hacked. Since 2013, Trump’s post – in which he encouraged users to follow them on Instagram. Another tweet, this was posted by Melania Trump about a new collection of jewelry, hijacked in the binder shows.
Although these photos are still embedded in Trump’s timeline, the binder writes that the bug has since been fixed and it seems that the links have been slightly killed. Clicking through links takes you to a page that says: “This link or QR code has been disabled.” Gazmudo arrived from the twist for comment.

Trump is probably very busy To ruin the federal government And Unstoppable US relations With the rest of the world to care about it, but this is definitely an excellent example of this kind of mischief that business crypto sellers will stand up to hawk their goods. This is also a ridiculous, because of this, Trump has named himself the first “Crypto president” of the United States and said he wants to see crypto flowers under his watch. From the point of view of things, it is just that.