Although your Windows computer should be locking very well with password or perhaps some kind of biometric protection, it is impossible to guarantee that no one is going to access it, even if it is enough You are a swipe swipe to your unpaid laptop. When you are doing something else, one of your kids wishing to play some games.

Whatever the reason, it can be really useful to know how to hide files and folders from the scene. These files will not be popups during the normal file browsing, and it will be difficult to find them even if someone is especially looking for them.

And you’ve got a choice of ways to go about, including the features included in the File Explorer to third party options.

Using Windows File Explorer

You can hide the files and folders inside the file explor.
Screenshot: Microsoft

By default, Windows File Explorer hides some files and folders from the scene. Generally, these are important system files, which should not be accessed or modified. You can see these files and folders if you want:

  • From any File Explorer window, click on three dots in the top toolbar.
  • Click Option The popup on the menu.
  • On See Tab, make it worth Show hidden files, folders and drives.
  • Click Okay To confirm.

To hide any of your files or folders:

  • Right -click on the file or folder.
  • Select Specialty From the menu of the context.
  • On General Tab, check Invisible Box
  • Click Okay To confirm.

Unless the file explorer is configured to show the hidden files and folders, the items you have selected will not appear. It is applied where the file explor is used – so in the dialogues to open the files within the applications, for example.

This is a fast and easy way to protect files and folders that you don’t want to see, but it’s rarely the most secure – anyone who knows his way around the file expulsion to recover the hidden files Will be able If you need something else, you have to turn to a third party device.

Windows display shows a folder lock app with desktop locker, One Drive Locker, Cloud, Harmony, Share, Secrets, Safe Guard labels.

Folder Lock protects selected files and folders with passwords.
Screenshot: New

There are several third -party tools to choose from here, which do not hide your files and folders as much as they lock them. If someone accesses your Windows system, they will be able to see that something is hidden, but they will not be able to get what they have closed.

I personally used is the best option Folder lock. It is straight and reliable, and when there is a pro version you are present. May 39.95 be found, but for most people the free version will be enough. You find 1GB instead of your locker, and you can keep it in harmony between two devices.

During the setup process, you will be asked where you want to keep your locker. It is a good idea to be deeply buried in some sub -folders rather than sitting somewhere like a desktop. To access your digital locker you also need to explain an email address and password.

If the folder is not running, your locker file will not be seen in the Explorer. To add files to your locker and see what you have stored in it, launch the app from the start menu and log in. By default, your locker opens automatically in the file expulsion (in settings, you can change it so it is sitting on you if you want to be home screen):

  • Drag files and folders to hide your locker folder.
  • Double click on lock files and folders to open them.
  • To hide everything, click Clock On the folder lock panel.

Whenever your locker is open, it acts like another folder in Windows. You can delete files, duplicate files, and copy and paste them in a normal way. As soon as you lock it or turn off the folder lock, they disappear from the scene.

Includes the program Secret Section, where you can store a safe guard feature to secure passwords, notes, and credit card information, and digital files (overwriting them with random data, mainly).

Everything has been encrypted using AES 256 -bit encryption and you can backup your locker with additional peace of extra peace in the cloud storage service (such as one drive, Google Drive, or dropbox).

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