Even with zero math background

Photo by Anton Doutry But to open

Do you want to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer, but feel intimidated by all the math involved? I understand. I’ve been there.

I dropped out of high school after 10th grade, so I didn’t learn any math beyond trigonometry in school. When I started my journey in machine learning, I didn’t even know what a derivative was.

Fast forward to today, and I’m an applied scientist at Amazon, and I feel pretty confident in my math skills.

I’ve picked up essential math using free resources and self-directed learning along the way. Today I’m going to tell you about some of my favorite books, courses, and YouTube channels that helped me get to where I am today, and I’ll also share some tips on how to study effectively. should be done and do not waste your time in the struggle. to be bored

Do you even need to know math for ML?

First, let’s address a common question: Do you really need to know math to work in ML?

The short answer is: it depends on what you want to do.

For research-heavy roles where you’re building new ML algorithms, then yes, you obviously need to know math. But if you’re asking yourself if you…

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