According to Europol, one of the agencies involved in the operation, an international coalition of law enforcement agencies abolished two hacking forums with more than 10 million users.

On Thursday, Europol and Germany police Bundes Creemineiamate (BKA) Announcement of tours Torn and nulled. According to a BKA Press Release machine translation, the BKA called it “the world’s two largest trading platform for cybercrime on the Internet”.

Operation confirmed after a day of cybersocracy Experts Seen This cracked, weed, as well as two other sites called the Selix and Starc RDP, seem to have been redirected to the servers operated by the FBI. All four sites later showed a banner that announced a law enforcement action, called “Operation Talent”.

Yurop wrote, “These sites served as a stop shops and not only used to discuss cybercrime, but also a service as illegal goods and cybercrime, such as stolen data, malware or hacking The tools were also used as markets. ” In his press release.

A The announcement appeared on Wednesday The crackdown’s official telegram channel states that the site has “been seized with unknown reasons for specific reasons.”

Europol said the operation took place between Tuesday and Thursday and resulted in two arrests, seven properties, and 17 servers, 50 electronic devices, and 300,000 euros ($ 313,000 313,000) cash Money and cryptocurrency were occupied.

According to the BKA, the law enforcement alliance seized a dozen accounts and domain in ten countries. Also, twelve people were identified as the cybercrime platforms involved in operating. Two German citizens – one who lived in Germany, and one who lived in Spain – was arrested. And two others will face legal action by the United States, Spanish and Greek authorities. Agencies said they received e -mail addresses, IP addresses and communication dates from seized forums.

A video Spanish authorities published by Europol, Paulia Nisunal (National Police) and Guardia Civil enter a building, arrest three persons, count cash, search for an apartment, as well ۔

The operation was headed by German authorities, including Australia, France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, as well as law enforcement agencies from the Justice Department and the FBI in the United States.

Australian Federal Police have said in an email that it will “provide an update at the right time.” None of the other agencies involved responded to the request for a tech cranch opinion.

Contact us

Do you have more information about operation talent, or other operations against cybercrime? From a non-work device, you can safely contact Lorenzo Francischi-Bacacheri on +1 917 257 1382 to signal to the signal, or by Telegram and Cabes @Lorenzov B, or E -mail. You can also contact Tech Crunch Secredrop.

Operation Talent is the latest salvo in a one -year long series of law enforcement against cybercrime forums, such as notorious Brechforms, which was Caught the first time In 2023, And then in 2024. Later in 2024, another integrated international police action- Dumb Operation and Game – Several hacking services and malware makers were targeted, resulting in the arrest of four suspects. At that time, Europol also identified the eight fugitives, allegedly involved in the scheme.

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