Serial entrepreneur Suman Gundham has launched AI mobility startup Dacio. It aims to make India’s roads safer by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. Gandham is known for its nine-bank finance, which was acquired by fintech unicorn Open Financial Technologies.
Dacio leverages predictive video telematics through its core product, the Dacio Dash Cam AI. This dash cam is designed for the business-to-business sector, targeting commercial vehicles such as trucks, logistics fleets, and school buses. Dash Cam analyzes driving and driver behavior to improve road safety, giving fleet operators critical real-time visibility into the performance of their drivers. This promotes higher driving standards and improved driver conditions. It detects risky driving behaviors such as mobile phone use, lack of seat belt compliance, and driver distraction. Other such behaviors include symptoms of sleepiness and fatigue. It then immediately alerts both drivers and fleet operators to take corrective action.
“Our mission is to harness the power of AI to make India’s roads safer,” said Suman Gandham, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Decio.
Attention goes beyond just a dash cam.
“We are building a comprehensive mobility suite that includes technologies specifically tailored for Indian road conditions,” Gundham said. “We want to develop a vast India-centric data lake that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) can use to develop solutions tailored to India’s unique driving environment.”
In addition to offering a four-channel dash cam that monitors the road, driver, rear end, cargo, and sides of the vehicle, Dacio also provides retrofittable software that can be integrated into in-vehicle dash cams. Is. Through a combination of hardware and software solutions, the startup aims to build a robust data infrastructure for the Indian mobility industry. Decio’s solutions are enabled with edge computing. This allows for real-time feedback without the delays associated with cloud processing, ensuring seamless functionality even at remote locations.
Gundham has joined forces with auto enthusiast Abhilash Reddy, who has 11 years of experience in the fintech, motorsports, and Internet of Things (IoT) sectors, as co-founder of the company. Reddy recently exited FairExpe, India’s first cross-border payments infrastructure company.
Dacio has already secured paid customers in the logistics, education, and OEM sectors, with plans to deploy 10,000 dash cams in the next 12 months. The startup is eyeing a seed round of funding in the coming months. The capital will support its plans to expand operations and expand product portfolio.
First Publication: August 08 2024 | 4:46 p.m I.S