Star Health Legal action has been taken against. Telegram and a hacker who allegedly leaked sensitive user data through chatbots on an instant messaging platform. A Tamil Nadu court has issued a temporary injunction ordering Telegram and the hacker to block any chatbots or websites in India that are distributing the leaked data.
“Confidential and personal data of consumers and plaintiff’s business activities in general were hacked and leaked using the platform (Telegram),” news agency Reuters quoted a Madras High Court order on September 24. is.”
Star Health also sued Cloudflare.
The report also said that the top insurer has also sued the US-based software firm. Cloudflare The lawsuit said the leaked data was hosted on websites using its services. The court will next hear the case on October 25.
Star Health Customer Data Hacking
A previous report by the agency said that the hacking of India’s largest health insurance company had exposed the private details of more than 31 million customers. The stolen data included customers’ names, phone numbers, addresses, tax details, copies of ID cards, test results and medical diagnoses.
A user named “xenZen” created chatbots that allow Telegram users to request and download various documents, including policy details, claims information, and even medical diagnoses.
Star Health acknowledged the breach and said its initial assessment found “no extensive compromise” and that “sensitive customer data remains secure”.
“The unauthorized acquisition and dissemination of customer data is illegal, and we are actively working with law enforcement agencies to combat this criminal activity. Star Health assures its customers and partners that Their privacy is of the utmost importance to us,” the insurance company said.