Two airport employees have been arrested after police say they obtained footage illegally Collision Between one American Airlines Jet and A black hawk helicopter Last week, in Washington, DC and gave it to the media.

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police said 21 -year -old employees Mohammad Lamin Mabio and 45 -year -old Jonathan Soya were arrested after making unauthorized copies of footage and were accused of computer error.

A BC News Information notifications were made in connection with special footage Cnn. Footage showed Jet and helicopter is hitting the middle air before exploding in flames and falling into the river Potomic.

The recovery staff removes pieces of US airlines jet, which collided with a Black Hawk helicopter over the Potomic River in Washington DC.
The recovery staff removes pieces of US airlines jet, which collided with a Black Hawk helicopter over the Potomic River in Washington DC. For,,,,,,,,,, for,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,, for,.ReutersJes

Embingo was accused of mismanagement on Friday, the same day CNN broadcast special surveillance footage, and later released on his identity from the Arlington County Adult detention center. Police said that Saway was then charged on Sunday and the case was released on a summons by a magistrate assigned.

Free CNN has been contacted for comment.

Officials said that all 67 people were killed in the two planes in the collision on Wednesday night. The staff recovered and identified at least 55 bodies while searching for the river Potomic. The accident marked Deadly US air disaster In about 25 years.

On Monday, the US Army Corps of Engineers staff started using large cranes to remove the jet debris.

All Five people involved in piloting both aircraft last week were identified. Captain Jonathan Campus and 28 -year -old First Officer Sim Lily Pilot American Airlines Jet, meanwhile, staff sergeant. Ryan Ohra, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew Evas and Captain Rebecca M Lobach were administrating Black Hawk.

Other victims riding on American Airlines The jet included two teenage statistics and their mothers, the mother of two from Charlotte, and a civil rights lawyer.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation. The staff received two black boxes of the American Airlines jet and the third from the Black Hawk helicopter last weekend and are working to process the data.

Now, Early flight data from the recorder inside the jet shows that it was traveling at about 32 325 feetAccording to it, when it collided with Black Hawk, with a 25 -foot margin of error on both sides, National Transportation Safety Board. However, during the collision, air traffic control data revealed the Army helicopter at 200 feet.

This contradiction of about 100 feet has not yet been explained.

President Donald Trump Talked about the accident last week, To accuse the government of diversity, equity and involvement programs for deadly incident, while providing no evidence of his claim.

While Later asked if he would visit the crash spaceThe President replied: “I have plan to see, not the site. Because you tell me, what is the site? Water? Do you want me to swim?

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