According to a report by WABetainfo, WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow users to have real-time voice conversations with the chatbot. It is also said that the company is planning to introduce more features to improve the voice functionality of Meta AI.

According to the report, the new Meta AI voice chat mode is currently in development and has been spotted in WhatsApp Beta for iOS Users will reportedly be able to choose Meta AI A voice from a set of predefined options to answer user questions.

However, the voice chat mode will not be enabled by default and users will be able to stop this voice conversation at any time, and they can also get confirmation that MetaAI has used the privacy indicator on iOS. has stopped listening to their queries, which allows them to Know when their microphone is in use.

Meta plans to allow users to manage Meta AI’s voice:

According to WABetaInfo, the personal messaging app is also working on a new feature that will allow users to control Meta AI’s voice and give them an interactive experience in the process. Basically, users will reportedly be able to turn on captions and transcripts for MetaAI, which will convert speech into text during voice conversations. A.I Chatbot

According to the report, users will also be given another option to configure MetaAI’s voice output from the two prevailing options of brief and full. Full Mode will let the MetaAI produce detailed and concise answers in response to a complex question, or when detailed information is needed. Brief mode, on the other hand, will allow the chatbot to provide short and precise answers, which can be ideal for users who don’t want to engage in long conversations.

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Published: 07 Aug 2024, 08:16 AM IST

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