As it happens6:22Who is the father? Baby Shark sprinkled with any male in the aquarium
The staff was surprised when an egg tank appeared in the Louisiana aquarium one day. There are only two residential sharks in the tank – and they are both women.
Moreover, none of them have contacted any man in more than a decade.
“((Definitely) was surprised ((definitely),” said Greg Barrack, a direct exhibition curator of the Shrivo Port Aquarium As it happens Host Nile Coxal.
But, he added, an orphan shark – while rare – “is not out of the realm of possibility.”
Who is the mother?
Shriv Port staff, La.
It was not known because the staff did not have one of the two tanks – women named Ethal and Lucy were swollen sharks.
Then, on January 3, 2025, a small bridge laid. The barracks named it Yuko, a short for Onco, the word for shark.
“She’s doing great,” said Barrack, saying she would need a few months to confirm Pulla’s gender. “I’m saying ‘that’ for now. But that can change.”
The aquarium is still not convinced which of the two adult women is Yoko’s mother, and they do not know who is Pulla’s father – or even if it is.
There are two potential specifications of Yuko’s sudden appearance. Either Pulla’s mother re -reproduced her genetic copy of her own, this is an event called Partinogenesis. Or he stored the sperm from a previous sexual confrontation and later rescued it, the process is delayed as Fertilization.
And while the first way to reproduce the shark is not the first choice for the children, they are not as unusual as you can think.
‘Not at all cloning’
Shark scientist Bob Hotter says that when a woman of reproductive age is permanently elliptical, it occurs at the moment that a woman of reproductive age is permanently elliptical, but with her cohesion. Don’t have to do
“Over time, there is a adaptation where women can actually feed their eggs themselves,” said Hoter, a senior adviser to the Marine Research Organization.
“This is not the same thing as cloning. But they are basically producing a copy of their own.”
Partinogenesis was The first document was made in the shark in 2007 when the hammer head virgin was born Hoter at an American zoo says it has been observed in a dozen species of the shark.
It has also been documented in other animals, including FishSnakes, Toddies, Commodo Dragon and Kundoars, to say some names.
“This is something that evolution has included in most animal groups,” said Hoter. “It doesn’t happen in the stars – as far as we still know.”
Sperm savings for a better day
The second possibility is sperm storage, or delayed fertilization, a qualification The first was documented in the Blue Shark in the 1970s
A female shark harmonizes a man, then stores her boyfriend’s sperm inside her ovadocal or nodiatal glands until she is ready to give birth or give eggs – sometimes for months, Or even years.

Sometimes, Hoter says, the fertilization is delayed until the mother reaches her field. Sometimes it is delayed until bad weather is passed, or until food is too much.
“Her body chooses to hold these sperm and keep them fertile, keep them viable, unless the conditions change,” said Hoter.
“This is another very interesting and beautiful example of environmental conditions, evolutionary adaptation.”
Free from male since 2014
So is the genetic copy of Yoko Ethel or Lucy? Or is he the result of a long -term effort delay?
Barrack says only the genetic test will confirm, and it will have to wait for a few more months until Yuku is large enough to pull the necessary blood without harm. Samples will also be collected from Ethel and Lucy.
“Is this (shark pip) genetically the same with any substance? And if so, it is Partinogenesis.” “Or is it different from both women? And if so, then it has delayed the fertilization and included a father.”
The latter, they say, is unlikely. Ethel and Lucy have been with the Shroport aquarium for three years, with no access to men. Earlier, he lived in an all -female tank of another facility, at least returned in 2014.
“So if it delays the fertilization, this is the first of its kind for this length,” said Barak.
Although it is unclear how long the female shark can store the sperm, the Hoter agrees that “it would be a real tension to imagine that it could continue for a long time.”
Although Partinogenesis can be below it.
Hoter says this is one of the last ditch reproductive techniques, as it does not allow any species to advance genetic diversity.
He said that if it continues for a long time, this is a bad news for a species in the jungle. But in the aquarium environment, a generation of Partinogenesis is probably fine.
Nevertheless, the barracks say that there are examples of the problems of the Partinogenesis offspring.
“Unfortunately,” he said, “This can cause some ridiculous traits that can cause some health problems.”
The staff is keeping a close eye on Yuku, Barrack said. But so far, the unidentified parents’ unexpected bridges seem to be both and heartbroken.