An elderly woman who was declared dead in hospital care has reportedly revived after being taken to a funeral home. According to reports, a staff member at the funeral home noticed that the 74-year-old woman was breathing and performed CPR on her. He was declared dead two hours before the incident.

The woman was found breathing in the funeral home two hours after she was declared dead. (Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)

“A physician had seen him within the last seven days, and the physician is willing to sign the death certificate, and that there was nothing suspicious at the time of death — they were all fit.” said a sheriff’s chief deputy in Lancaster County, Nebraska CNN.

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The Daily Mail also shared an Instagram video in which the Sheriff’s Office provides information about the incident. “Constance Glantz, 74, was pronounced dead in hospital care, and transported to a Nebraska funeral home,” the outlet wrote.

“An employee was placing her on a table and beginning to prepare her body, when they noticed she was still breathing. Crews began CPR before transporting Glantz to a local hospital. Sheriff “The office says it has found no criminal intent by the nursing home, but the investigation is ongoing,” the outlet added.

Take a look at the footage here:

This post has inspired people to share various comments. One person wrote, “And that’s why old graves had bells with headstones under the coffins”.

Another added, “What in the world?! In this day and age?”

A third joined in, “How can this be?”

“At this time, we have not been able to find any criminal intent by the nursing home, but the investigation is ongoing,” Chief Deputy Ben Houchen told CNN. . will take a look at what happened, and I’m sure they’ll look and see if new protocols need to be made and if they were all followed.”

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