After the disobedience Joe Biden Played hardball and claimed that only Allah Almighty could stop his presidential run Democrats A bombshell memo has been released. According to a Semaphore report, the emergency plan details the Democrats’ plan to oust President Joe Biden and bring the party back together. Presidential elections.
The memo was drafted by Georgetown University law professor Rosa Brooks, who served in the Obama and Clinton administrations and was a policy adviser to the 2020 Biden campaign, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist who Has donated to various Democratic campaigns. . It has been sent to Democrat donors and officials within the Biden campaign.
With the intention of turning the tables and turning the current state of chaos into opportunity. “In the midst of anxiety and crisis, we can create a path to growth,” Dintersmith told Semaphore.
What does the Democrats’ memo say?
First and foremost, Biden should step down by mid-July, paving the way for another strong contender to enter the race. This will be followed by a ‘blitz primary’ in which celebrities like Taylor Swift And OprahAccording to the semaphore. The decision must be taken with the support of Vice President Kamala Harris.
The memo states that the six candidates with the most delegate votes must pledge to run an exclusively positive campaign.
The campaign will ramp up with a ‘blitz primary’, featuring weekly forums moderated by cultural icons such as Michelle Obama, Oprah, and Taylor Swift.
Delegates will use a ranked choice voting system to select the nominee before the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago on August 19.
The memo asserts that pursuing the plan would boost donations and elevate Biden as a “modern-day George Washington,” willing to sacrifice personal ambitions for the good of the country. is appreciated.
“We can either face an embarrassing, avoidable, democracy-destroying defeat or seize this opportunity as our best hour. Action is needed now,” the memo said. “
However, it notes challenges, particularly Biden’s refusal to step down.
Still, the report indicates that Brooks is optimistic about the plan, citing broad support from memo recipients.