On January 29, 2025, at least 30 pilgrims were killed and 60 were injured when a large number of pilgrims arrived in the holy travin. Shock To take a sacred dip on Moni Amosia in Preigridge.

After the Maha Kambhah of 2025, who claimed the lives of more than 30 people, a picture of Maha Kambah is going viral, which shows how authorities divided the whole place into two pieces of land. What is, one is showing unfair behavior for ordinary people and the other for VIPs or celebrities. The viral image on the Internet has criticized users and has many sarcastic comments against the authorities.
Reacts by Netzine on Reddate
One user commented that water is a natural equation, another user wrote that they had tried water.

Another user commented sarcastically, ‘All men are equal, but some are more equal than others.

One user wrote that it was a religious capital, and it got an answer that it was a useless phrase.

A Reddit user expressed and claimed it, and mentioned that everyone was being treated equally in Gurdwara.