This will not be the first time for the Power Bank to fire the flight.

Air Busan 1

According to passengers’ testimony and Airbusan officials, the recent incident of a fire broke out at a plane airport at the Jemay Airport due to a passenger portable power bank was likely due to the passenger’s portable power bank.

On January 28, KST, around 10:15 pm, the plane, an airbus A321-200, set fire to her tail while she was preparing to leave for Hong Kong. According to the passengers on the board, A “Cracking sound ” The overhead was heard from the basket of luggage, followed by smoke.

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The internal investigations of the incident are linked to the passengers’ memory. A flight attendant on the board also allegedly testified that the fire was on the overhead of 28 seats in 28.

Despite the evidence, it cannot be decided yet what is the reason for such a deadly fire to surround the aircraft. However, he did not prevented Airbassan officials from telling the media that the fire was caught.Due to the portable power bank of a passenger, compressed inside the overhead bin.

If the potential cause of the power bank is really found, this will not be the first of its kind. In April last year, a hot power bank in the overhead basket began producing smoke with 273 passengers on a flight from Asian Airlines. The flight audience extinguished the device before the fire. In December last year, another similar incident in Airbusan was also witnessed when a flight attendant immediately extinguished the Power Bank.

A joint forensic investigation has been set up for the KST, January 31, to determine what was caused by a fire at Hong Kong -noted Airbusan flight and its start. Earlier, on Thursday, January 30, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Bosan Metro Polytan Police Agency, the Bosan Fire Headquarters, and the National Franzic Service a joint security check to discuss security measures during the site investigation Meeting Since the plane’s wings still have 15,875kg of aviation fuel, necessary steps will be taken to prevent further accidents.

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After a preliminary inspection of the site on January 29, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Transport announced that no terrorist indicators were found. However, he added that these are just preliminary results, and unless the investigation ends, the possibility of terrorism is still on the table.

You can read more about the incident here:

South Korean plane arrives on fire, passengers evacuated

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