A Ground Study of the University of Toronto Scarburo has revealed a direct link between it Shrinking sea snow Cause Climate change And decrease in dangerous population Polar bear I Western Hudson Bay. Research provides a clear procedure that describes how to reduce hunting opportunities on sea ice Energy deficitsReduced the production, and eventually, the end of this famous Arctic species.

A shrinking residence, shrinking population

Polar relies on bears Seafood As a platform for sealing hunting, their basic food source. However, as Rise in global temperatureArctic Sea snow is melting at an extraordinary rate. In the Western Hudson Bay, the most widely studied polar bear population. The loss of this residence has reduced the population by about 50 % during the last four decades (1979-2021).

This study, appeared in the journal ScienceThis reduction attributes disqualification to match the bees Energy is needed Due to low hunting seasons. “The loss of seawater means that the bears have spent less time hunting and fasting on the ground,” the UKT scarburo and the main author of the study explains Louis Archer. “This has a negative impact on the bears” The energy balanceWhich reduced reproduction, the survival of the cab, and eventually the population decreased.

Louis ArcherLouis Archer
Louis Archer is a post post in the U -Tea Scarborough whose research is financed by a Mitacs Elite Post Documentary Fellowship and non -profit organization Polar Bears International (Photo Handcript Creative).

A bio -energy model tracks the energy deficit

To better understand the relationship between seafood loss and the survival of the polar bear, researchers “developed”Bio -Energy Model“It tracks the energy dynamics of individual polar bears throughout their lives. This modern approach compares modeling results with four decades of real -world monitoring data, which reveals a nearly perfect match.

“What is about our model is that it does not just show any connection between seawater loss and population reduction. How These changes occur. “When we run the number, we get one match that we are seeing in real life.”

The model shows that as soon as the polar bears spend more time fasting on the ground, they burn their fat deposits faster, leave Inadequate energy for growthReturn, and cabinets. Over time, it leads to small size, lower cab and low survival rate.

Cabies face a crisis

Young polar bear Particularly the risk of climate change effects. Surveillance data shows Adult female body mass Is dropped by 39 kg (86 pounds)While, while A year old baby Is 26 kg (47 pounds) lost Over 37 years. Mothers struggling with nutritional stress produce less milk, which endanger cab survival during important periods of fasting. In addition, the size of the dirt has decreased by 11 %, and mothers keep their baby longer because they are not so strong to live freely.

“The survival of the causes has a direct impact on the survival of the population,” Archer stressed. “If children do not survive, the population cannot maintain itself.”

Polar bearPolar bear
Surveillance data in Western Hudson Bay shows that the polar bears are much lower than 40 years ago (Photo BJ Krishoffer / Polar Bears International)

A warning for a polar bear around the world

Western Hudson Bay is considered to be a bull for the population of the polar bear globally. As one of the southern groups of the polar bear, the population has been closely monitored for decades, providing many data to inform the forecasts about other regions. With Arctic warming At a rate of four times faster than the global average, researchers have warned that other populations of the polar bears are decreasing similarly – or will occur soon.

“This is not just a problem for the Western Hudson Bay. Molner says it is a glimpse of the future of polar bears everywhere.” Based on the estimates of sea ice, this model is mainly their fate. Explains if we do not take action. “

The wider implications of protection and climate action

This study has indicated the urgent need for a global attention Green House Gas emissions. Although the protection of polar bears is needed to protect their Arctic residence, the main reason for their plight is to advance the arctic warming in the emissions of human induction greenhouse gases. Without a significant reduction in carbon emissions, the long-term survival of the polar bears is at risk of survival and countless other species.

Archer notes, “This research provides a powerful source to understand the effects of climate change on forest life.” “But it also works as an action -to -action. We have the knowledge of predicting these results, but now we need to prevent them.

Wake -up call for humanity

The plight of polar bears in the Western Hudson Bay is higher than the environmental tragedy. As high hunters, play an important role in maintaining a polar bear balance Arctic Environmental System. Their fall indicates widespread environmental barriers, which can have far -reaching consequences.

By highlighting the method of decreasing population of polar bear, this study reinforces the importance of addressing Carbon emission It’s time to work for polar bears and humanity on the head.

Source: Content Provided University of Toronto. The original Don was written by Campbell. Note: Content can be edited for style and length.

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